The Department of Surgery at Shenzhen United Family Hospital provides 24-hour surgical services and postoperative monitoring for outpatient, emergency and inpatient patients. Our inter-professional medical team consists of experienced and highly skilled surgeons, anesthesiologists and nurses who follow the practices of Evidence-Based Medicine (EBM) and Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS). We provide our patients with comprehensive and personalized medical services in diagnosis and treatment.
Our Clinicians
Zhichen GUAN
Chair of Surgery, Doctoral Supervisor, Chief Physician, Researcher
Orthopedic Surgeon, Chief Physician
Shuzhong Guo
Plastic Surgeon, MD, Chief Physician
Junli Shi
Plastic Surgeon Deputy Chief Physician
Section Chief of Orthopedics, Orthopedic Surgeon, Associate Chief Physician
Xiaofang Yu
Surgeon, Chief Physician, Professor of Surgery
Guan YUE
Plastic Surgeon, Attending Physician
Jingjing ZHANG
General surgeon, Attending Physician
Hongsheng Zuo
General&Gastrointestinal Surgeon, Chief Physician
Qin Wangchi
Associate Chief Physician of Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery
Haitao XIAO
General Surgery and Anorectal Surgeon, Associate Chief Physician
ZHAI, Mengyao
Vascular Surgeon, Breast Surgeon, Associate Consultant
Urologist, Andrologist, Urology Consultant
Dr Oswens LO Siu Hung
General Surgery and Colorectal Surgeon
Honorary Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Surgery, LKS Faculty of Medicine, HKU
Dr CHEUNG Chung Yeung
General Surgery and Hepatobiliary & Pancreatic Surgeon, Honorary Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Surgery, LKS Faculty of Medicine, HKU
Dr. Chui Ka Lun, Alan
Specialist in Urology
Dr. Ng Ka Kin
Specialists in General Surgery
Surgery Services
General Surgery
Trauma, inguinal hernia, abdominal wall hernia, varicose veins of lower extremity, superficial and subcutaneous mass, etc.
Gastrointestinal Surgery
Acute/chronic cholecystitis, gallstones, gallbladder polyp, hepatic cyst, hepatic abscess, hepatic hemangioma, liver cancer, bile duct stones, acute cholangitis, acute/chronic pancreatitis, pancreatic benign and malignant tumors, spleen rupture, hypersplenism, etc.
Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic Surgery
Acute abdomens, acute peritonitis, gastrointestinal perforation, acute appendicitis, bowel obstruction, hemorrhoids, anal fissure, anal fistula, anorectal polyp, perianal abscess, etc.
Phimosis, urinary calculi, benign prostatic hyperplasia, varicocele, hydrocele of tunica vaginalis, urinary trauma, prostatitis, epididymitis, urethritis, urologic neoplasms, testicular tumors, etc.
Thyroid & Breast Surgery
Thyroid cancer, thyroid adenoma, nodular goiter, hyperthyroidism, breast cancer, breast adenoma, hyperplasia of the breast, acute mastitis, etc.
Fractures, muscle strain, osteoarthritis, bone and joint infections, cervical spondylosis, lumbar intervertebral disc herniation, sports injuries, benign and malignant tumors of bone and soft tissue, etc.
We provide our patients with the following traditional and minimally invasive surgical services or techniques:
Traditional open surgery
Laparoscopic surgery
Endoscopic surgery
Our Strengths
- Shenzhen New Frontier United Family Hospital adopts Joint Commission International (JCI) standards to regulate daily operation and management
- Evidence-Based Medicine (EBM) – diagnosis and treatment plans following best medical evidence
- Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) – rigorous efforts in reducing the occurrence of surgical stress and postoperative complications, speeding up postoperative recovery and shortening the length of stay while ensuring the quality of care
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