Tao Lingzhi
Urology Surgeon, Chief Physician
Dr. Tao Lingzhi graduated from Sun Yat-sen University of Medical Sciences, and received the master of medicine degree in urology in Peking University in 2016, studied under Guan Zhichen, who is a famous professor of urology in Peking University. After graduation, he was recommended to the Mayo Clinic, the NO.1 medical center in the United States, to further study urinary system tumors, Da Vinci® robotic surgery and various conventional laparoscopic minimally invasive surgery techniques.
Dr. Tao has been engaged in the clinical work of urology in Peking University for more than 20 years. He is a new generation of senior urology experts who are playing an important role in clinic. He is good at the diagnosis and treatment of common urological diseases, especially urinary tumors (prostate cancer, kidney cancer, bladder cancer and adrenal tumor), and has rich clinical experience in early diagnosis, surgical selection and comprehensive treatment of advanced prostate cancer. Various minimally invasive surgical treatments for urinary calculi are also Dr. Tao’s strengths.
Dr. Tao has published many professional papers and participated in three books. He is currently a member of the Urine Control Group of the Urology Branch of Guangdong Medical Association and a member of the Board of Directors of the Urology Branch of Shenzhen Medical Doctor Association.
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