Traditional Medicine
Chinese traditional Medicine (TCM) has a long history, rich resources and unique theories, and has a wide range of influences around the world. The TCM Department at Shenzhen United Family Hospital is committed to the prevention and treatment of diseases through the overall conditioning of patients. Our TCM physician has a rich clinical experience and international medical work background, the treatment range includes all kinds of chronic pain, insomnia, anxiety, constipation, dyspepsia, menstrual irregularities and other common problems. In order to achieve the prevention and improve therapy of diseases, break the sub-health state, and provide a higher life quality of patients, we integrate western-style, evidence-based medicine with TCM treatments, providing holistic healthcare services for each patient’s unique needs. Our services include herbal medicine, acupuncture, moxibustion, cupping, scraping, ear seeds and holistic healthcare counseling.
Qianlan HUANG
Traditional Chinese Medicine Doctor, Attending Physician
Rehabilitation Therapist
CMP Keith KWAN Ching Ho
Registered Chinese Medicine Practitioner
PhD Wendy WONG
Visiting Consultant of Registered Chinese Medicine Practitioner
Adjunct Associate Professor, Hong Kong Institute of Integrative Medicine, Chinese University of Hong Kong
CMP Carlo YIP Ka Ho
Registered Chinese Medicine Practitioner
CMP Cherry GUO Yingying
Registered Chinese Medicine Practitioner
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