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Guarding Against the Silent Killer: Osteoporosis

When thinking of osteoporosis, many see it as a challenge that only older people face. In fact, those who smoke or drink a lot of alcohol, do not exercise regularly, or diet improperly—rega..

Leaky Gut and Dysbiosis

As I was having tea with a Chinese friend the other day, she was telling me about her daughter’s recent medical care. She said that each time her daughter had a cough, the doctor would give..

Facebook Depression

Recently, the Associated Press published an article on a new phenomenon called “Facebook depression.” The condition can be described as becoming upset by Facebook content and an inability ..

What’s on Your Plate?

While we all have a basic understanding of nutrition, it is nice to remind ourselves how we can eat to optimize health. Eating from all the food groups—fruits and vegetables, whole grains, ..

Toilet Talk


I’ll admit, I was less than thrilled when asked if I would write an article about toilets! Hmm, had I fallen so low on the pecking order? Did I really want to delve into all of the details ..

Anger Management and Anger Resolution


I don’t like the word “control” when talking about emotions. We can’t choose how we feel; we just do. There was a time in my life when I was working for the U.S. court system and had inm..

The Basics of Strokes

Cerebrovascular disease (a.k.a. CVD or stroke) is among the least understood diseases that afflict the general public. Strokes are caused by either blood flow blockages or internal bleeding...

Eyes Are the Windows to…Your Health?


There’s an old adage that “the eyes are the windows to the soul,” but I also believe that eyes are windows into one’s overall physical health. A thorough eye exam reveals much important ..

Healing with Heart


By Zhu Yafei Interview with Dr. Ling Feng (neurosurgeon, Xuanwu Hospital) April 12, 2012 – Beijing Dr. Ling Feng is a world-renowned neurosurgeon with an impressive resumé. She is executive..

Dermal Issues in Thermal Conditions

Shan YUAN, Chair of Dermatology, Dermatologist

When the summer sun is high in the sky, the first concern most people have – after locating the nearest ice cream vendor – is what effect the sun is having on their skin. I want to address..

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